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How to incorporate new tecnologies to traditional education? In a world of constant transformation in our ways to comunicate, new channels modifie shape and content of messages. Interest from both graduated and still learning professionals on the new languages of trendy technologies, places an imperatice need on academicals institutions : to readapt and to refresh.

In this context, CamOn took the challenge to bring closer Augmented Reality and academic programs. Thanks to several deals with many universities, CamOn has reached over 1500 students during 2017 and there are still 8 months left. And the number becomes higher if the account includes interactive experiences in study materials like books and guides.

Leaded by Pepe Marriot one of the company founders and creative director, students of Design Academy of University of Buenos Aires (UBA), assisted to a masterclass about Augmented Reality and how to include interactive content in their final projects. As a result of this class, all the grades got to create an interactive magazine with augmented reality contents.

The ambitious goal of CamOn consists in bringing knowledge about augmented reality to students and professors in order to helping them creating interactive contents. Other of the institutions that had a masterclass experience is Fundación Gutenberg, the students had access to work with CamOn Studio to experience the app in real time.

But the strong bet for education doesn`t just stay at classrooms: CamOn is working during 2017 with Santillana Publishing House generating interactive contents in books for school and high school programs.